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Greene Sage School


Experience the joy of learning!

What a tremendous blessing it is to have the opportunity to be part of my children's learning experience! Being part of this process means that I never have to miss the sparkle in their eyes when they discover something new.

Thoughts From Church Leaders:

"In my opinion, the teaching, rearing, and training of children requires more intelligence, intuitive understanding, humility, strength, wisdom, spirituality, perseverance, and hard work than any other challenge we might have in life. This is especially so when moral foundations of honor and decency are eroding around us. To have successful homes, values must be taught, and there must be rules, there must be standards, and there must be absolutes. Many societies give parents very little support in teaching and honoring moral values. A number of cultures are becoming essentially valueless, and many of the younger people in those societies are becoming moral cynics.

As societies as a whole have decayed and lost their moral identity and so many homes are broken, the best hope is to turn greater attention and effort to the teaching of the next generation of children. In order to do this, we must first reinforce the primary teachers of children. Chief among these are the parents and other family members, and the best environment should be in the home. Somehow, some way, we must try harder to make our homes stronger so that they will stand as sanctuaries against the unwholesome, pervasive moral dry rot around us. Harmony, happiness, peace, and love in the home can help give children the required inner strength to cope with life's challenges." James E. Faust, "The Greatest Challenge in the World, Good Parenting," Ensign, Nov. 1990, 32

"How sad if the Lord should charge any of us parents with having failed to teach our children! Truly a tremendous responsibility falls upon a couple when they bring children into the world. They must provide not only food, clothing, and shelter, but also loving, kind discipline and teaching.

As parents read the newspapers and magazines and see what the world is trying to teach their children, they should become all the more determined that their children not be damaged by such sin and error. Parents should then provide the home life, the discipline, and the training that will offset and neutralize the evil that is being done in the world. As children learn of the ugly things in the world, they must also learn of the good things in the world and the proper responses and proper attitudes. If parents understand that many children are denied family prayers and spiritual attitudes and proper teaching in their lives, then those parents should redouble their energies and their efforts to see that their own children receive good, wholesome training."   Spencer W. Kimball, "Home: The Place to Save Society," Ensign, Jan. 1975, 3

"The home should be the great workshop of the Lord. Here is where children must be taught to walk in ways of truth and soberness, of love and service to each other."      H. Burke Peterson, "Harmony in the Home," Ensign, Jan. 1973, 114

"Parents should be the master teachers of their children."   Ben B. Banks, "Take Time for Your Children," Ensign, Nov. 1993, 28

Learning At Home: How?

Many parents tell me that they love the concept of homeschool, but that they could never do it themselves. I always wonder what they picture homeschooling to be? We teach our children from the time that they are born, without even trying. Home-educating has become known as 'alternative' schooling, when really it's simply a return to tradition. There is no single correct way to do it. It requires prayer and study to find the right direction for your family, and to sift through the myriad of philosophies and styles. It's my hope that every family who desires to homeschool will find that they can do it. I hope the information you find on this website will help you along your journey.

Last update: October 2007

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