Homeschool can be as fun and interesting as you choose to make it. You aren't just teaching your children, you are creating memories. Make it fun!
Have a prize box, hidden from sight, and let the children earn 'prizes' by completed school work. We only take our prize box down on Fridays and the boys have to show that their work was completed for the whole week before they can choose a prize. They get to choose an extra prize if they have done three extra credit activities that week (letter writing, service project, independent project, reading extra books...). The prizes are inexpensive items from the Dollar Store. |
Celebrate Little Things
When we are studying about a period of history and happen to find out that the colonists played an early form of miniature golf, we go miniature golfing! As I plan our activies, I take clues from the lessons and give them a modern twist. When we learned about the first watch being invented, we decided to throw in a lesson on telling time. I call this 'complete' teaching. We don't leave out the little things just because they aren't crucial. We find a way to expand our vision by learning about things that increase understanding, help us to visualize, and definitely make it memorable!
Cook Together
My children love to cook. In fact, they fight over who gets to help. Bringing children into the kitchen is a great learning experience for several reasons. First, it's a hands-on, creative process. Second, they learn math skills, measuring skills, and even a little chemistry! Third, it increases self-esteem. When you hand the mixer to a 5 year old and let him use it, he feels like you really have faith in him (and it does take faith on mom's part!). Children love to be part of the process, and then see the finished product. Find excuses to cook with your children. Are you learning about the solar system? Make cookies shaped and decorated like the planets! |
Reward With Your Time
When my children have worked extra hard, I reward them with my time. We play board games together, or I read books to them that they choose (even my 10 year old likes to be read to once in awhile). Or, I let them read to me. Sometimes I even throw caution to the wind and play a game of freeze tag with them in the yard. I let them choose what we do, and I make sure to show them how thankful I am to be their mom.